Sleepless Dystopian
2 min readSep 18, 2022


and the devil died screaming — ultra-high

Prologue — a cyberpunk fantasy

“The thing is….” I stopped and looked at them.

“You can call me George.”

“Fuck off, George. The thing is, I don’t believe what you believe. It’s that simple. I mean I don’t even believe in you.”


“Please don’t interrupt me. I am not atheist and the closest word I can use that will aid comprehension is agnostic, but it is so not quite that”


“No that’s for the lazy. Something else. I don’t believe in you or the deity that cast you out, or any of their teachings. I don’t believe in any of the religions of the world, but I do have faith. I do have a spirituality that is untouched by your lies, your words, and deeds. And that grounds me.”

“May I ask you what you have faith in?”

“You only ask me that so you can find a way to use it against me. I know. But I am aware of you.”

“But I don’t exist”

“I didn’t say you don’t exist, I said I don’t believe in you and that is a very different thing entirely.”

“So, what do you believe?”

“I believe in what I know and what I feel. And much more besides. But not your dogma. Not your lies and spin nor the lies of your adversary.”

“Is that an original thought Walter?” they were trying to get under my skin I could feel them inching their way to burrow inside, serving as a warning sign for what they had in mind. I could entertain it for a while, their fantasy, and I would do so before crushing it.

“No, and that’s precisely the point.” They seemed confused by my retort and that’s the best time not to continue. Their minds could and would do all the heavy lifting as they bounced around every possible scenario for what I might be saying and what I might be doing without ever reaching for the right one. And I loved it. There was nothing more satisfying than watching the personification of evil rolling around in their own minds desperately seeking answers. Because without them they were all too aware of the consequence.

This is a live cyberpunk / dystopian fantasy book writing project. Copyright is protected. It is a first rough draft so I would love to hear any feedback from readers. When the book is launched all that are signed up for this to my mailing list on the website below you will be sent a free Kindle copy of the book as a thank you for subscribing.

This project is part of the writing projects.

